May 1, 2024

Bajan Shark and Bake

Shark and Bake is a traditional dish, love by Bajans. In Barbados you can find it many places, it’s typically made with shark meat that is marinated in a mixture of lime juice, garlic, onion, [...]

Hot Chicken Salad

A delicious Barbados hot chicken salad recipe that is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The combination of ingredients makes this dish a must have everyday in Barbados. Recipe Skinless and boneless chicken breast meat, [...]

Bajan Sugar Cakes


Try our delicious Barbados recipe for making sugar cake, it’s a traditional Barbadian treat.

Help Us Decide Which Bakery In Barbados


Every Sunday in Barbados when some of my family and friends decide to go out on the hunt for fresh tasty bread and pastries for the week ahead, some of us are at odds on […]

Hot Cross Buns


Bajan Hot Cross Buns are so tasty. They are served very warm, and they have a spicy (cinnamon and allspice) taste to them. And depending on how you roll them and bake them, they can […]

Cornmeal Pudding


Adding pineapples to banana bread will add a little extra flavor to your bread. However, the flavor of the banana may end up overpowering the pineapple. Also, banana bread is already quite moist and somewhat […]

Jam Puff


Barbados Jam Puff Recipe, there is nothing better than knowing you’ve taken dough and turned it into a flaky, crunchy and delectable desert, that puts a smile on everyone’s face.


Bajan Shark and Bake

Shark and Bake is a traditional dish, love by Bajans. In Barbados you can find it many places, it’s typically made with shark meat that is marinated in a mixture of lime juice, garlic, onion, […]


Barbados Roast Breadfruit

Roast breadfruit is a traditional dish that originated in the Caribbean but a delicacy in Barbados, but has since gained popularity in other parts of the world. This delicious, starchy fruit is often compared to […]